
Korean War: When 900 Filipinos defeated a 40,000 strong Chinese Communist army

Korean War: When 900 Filipinos defeated a 40,000 strong Chinese Communist army

➢ This feat of valor amazed the late General Douglas MacArthur that he once said, "Give me 10,000 Filipinos and I will conquer the world."
Korean War: When 900 Filipinos defeated a 40,000 strong Chinese Communist army
➢ The Korean War of 1950 was one of the most destructive wars of the modern era. It killed approximately 3,000,000 people. Dubbed as the "Forgotten War" due to the infamous stalemate, there were a few notable moments of wartime heroism as recorded in its history. One such memorable engagement was the heroic stand and eventual victory of 900 Filipino soldiers against the fearsome 40,000 Chinese Communist army in the "Battle of Yultong".