Ninoy Aquino – The Filipino is worth dying for
➢ Ninoy Aquino - The Filipino is worth dying for
The full non-truncated form of Ninoy Aquino’s Speech:
“I have asked myself many times: Is the Filipino worth suffering, or even dying, for? Is he not a coward who would readily yield to any colonizer, be he foreign or homegrown? Is a Filipino more comfortable under an authoritarian leader because he does not want to be burdened with the freedom of choice? Is he unprepared, or worse, ill-suited for presidential or parliamentary democracy?
I have carefully weighed the virtues and the faults of the Filipino and I have come to the conclusion that he is worth dying for because he is the nation’s greatest untapped resource.”
The full non-truncated form of Ninoy Aquino’s Speech:
“I have asked myself many times: Is the Filipino worth suffering, or even dying, for? Is he not a coward who would readily yield to any colonizer, be he foreign or homegrown? Is a Filipino more comfortable under an authoritarian leader because he does not want to be burdened with the freedom of choice? Is he unprepared, or worse, ill-suited for presidential or parliamentary democracy?
I have carefully weighed the virtues and the faults of the Filipino and I have come to the conclusion that he is worth dying for because he is the nation’s greatest untapped resource.”
– Ninoy Aquino, delivered at Asia Society New York on August 4, 1980

Photo Credits: WikiMedia Commons
prepared for Pinoy Search Network - Last Update made June 14, 2018
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