Ninoy Aquino - For seven years, I was not allowed
➢ Ninoy Aquino - For seven years, I was not allowed
"For seven years, I was not allowed to see the moon and the stars. There were days when they left me all alone by myself. I had no reading material. I had nothing. I was twiddling my thumb. I would walk and walk and walk across my room; it was a room about four meters by five meters, hoping that I'll get tired. And then when I get tired, I would fall asleep, knowing that tomorrow will be the same."
"For seven years, I was not allowed to see the moon and the stars. There were days when they left me all alone by myself. I had no reading material. I had nothing. I was twiddling my thumb. I would walk and walk and walk across my room; it was a room about four meters by five meters, hoping that I'll get tired. And then when I get tired, I would fall asleep, knowing that tomorrow will be the same."
- Quote of Ninoy Aquino, Freedom rally symposium by the Movement for Free Philippines (MFP); Wilshire Ebell Theater in Los Angeles, California; February 15, 1981

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prepared for Pinoy Search Network - Last Update made June 14, 2018
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